Menjadi Mat Pot Itu Perlu Demi Kebaikan Sejagat
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Sekiranya anda masih ingat pada post 'Kalau Saya Jutawan Sudah Pasti Saya Beli Sebijik Helikpoter,' saya dengan penuh yakin dan bergaya *koff koff* mengatakan kepada anda yang saya akan membuat aduan rasmi dek sangat tidak berpuas hati dengan perkhidmatan yang mereka sediakan. Bukan..?
Ya, akhirnya dengan kegigihan yang cekal di hati, saya telah bertekad untuk menulis email aduan kepada mereka. Dan email saya berbunyi begini:
To whom it may concern,
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
Salaam a'laikum warah matullah.
This morning I arrived at Sri Rampai Putra Station around 7.50am. At that time, there was a 4-coaches train full with people at the platform, apparently not moving. The platform started to crowd as we couldn't get in the train.
The announcement made was as usual; that there was congestion and thus, trains will be moving slower and stopping longer at the platform. Of which I didn't buy because I simply couldn't believe the excuse given. Why can't you guys just tell us the truth? You guys should learn from the London Underground whereby whenever there's a problem, the train driver would tell the passengers what's happening and how are they rectifying it. What's wrong with being honest to us..?
Long after that, (15-20 minutes), the problem was finally addressed. I thought things would get better afterwards. I was wrong, damn wrong. Each and every train that passed by us after that was full with people. Like REALLY full. None of us could board the train, except for those who were bold enough to squeeze in. Only after the NINTH or TENTH train that I finally managed to squeeze in. I was late to the office as a consequent.
What annoyed me most was that, none of your staff was around during the incident, at least to observe what had taken place or to show you guys do care about what was happening. As if you guys couldn't care less at the moment. And I wonder why an empty train was not send to Sri Rampai despite the growing frustrated crowd who could not manage to board the train.
Note that this was not the first time such incident happened to me. Once, I was stuck at Ampang Park for half an hour for no apparent reason. And no satisfactory explanation was given except for "...there is congestion ahead." You guys should come out with something better than that! And I'm not surprised if I'll be encountering similar incidents in the future.
You guys should do something FAST about it. We are heading 2020 and yet, our public transport does not capture that spirit. Do we really want to be a developed nation? Not until our public transportation is efficient and effective. You don't believe me? I think you guys should head to London, Japan or the States. Our public transport is a shame to the country.
I plan to write to Dato' Sri Najib as well, as I think this is a serious issue. The Government keeps encouraging people to take up public transport, yet you guys are not making the system viable and reliable. I hope within one month time, significant improvement can be done. Or else, I also plan to start up a Facebook campaign highlighting this issue.
Thanks. Look forward to your reply.
Allahu a'lam.
The undersigned,
Bunyinya sedikit kasar bukan..? Nak buat macam mana. Email itu ditulis ketika hati masih membara dan bengkek dengan peristiwa yang berlaku. Peluh kecil.
Akhirnya, selepas seminggu menunggu (ingatkan diorang dah tak nak balas email saya tu..), Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad akhirnya membalas email yang saya hantar kepada mereka. Dan email balas mereka berbunyi begini:
Salam sejahtera Encik [gabbana],
We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused due the the delay on the LRT service in the morning of 8 March 2011. We could understand your predicament on the poor service and will look into the issue seriously. We will discuss your concerns with our team and hope to sort this out soon.
We thank you again for all the feedback and for our service improvement.
We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused due the the delay on the LRT service in the morning of 8 March 2011. We could understand your predicament on the poor service and will look into the issue seriously. We will discuss your concerns with our team and hope to sort this out soon.
We thank you again for all the feedback and for our service improvement.
Contact Centre Team
Contact Centre Unit
Customer Experience Management Dept
Transport Policy and Commercial Division
Sykt Prasarana Negara Berhad (Prasarana)
Tel: 03-7885 2585 Helpline
Tel: 03-7650 7788 General line
Fax:03- 7625 6667
Contact Centre Unit
Customer Experience Management Dept
Transport Policy and Commercial Division
Sykt Prasarana Negara Berhad (Prasarana)
Tel: 03-7885 2585 Helpline
Tel: 03-7650 7788 General line
Fax:03- 7625 6667
Uh. Apa pendapat anda..? Bunyinya seperti ikhlas dan bersungguh bukan..? Uhm.
Tapi pada masa yang sama, jawapan mereka juga seolah-olah jawapan 'template' yang digunakan untuk membalas semua email aduan kepada mereka. Hanya tukar 'Salam Sejahtera Inche/Puan XYZ' dan waktu kejadian berlaku. Oh sungguh tidak bersangka baik saya ini. Hohoho..
Apa-apa pon, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Prasarana kerana sudi untuk menjawab email saya itu. Tetapi harapannya, anda akan berjalanlah kata-kata anda itu (Baca: Walk the talk) dan bukan sekadar berkata kata-kata (Baca: Talk the talk). Eh.
Dan seperti yang saya sebut di dalam email tersebut, dalam masa sebulan ni, sekiranya tiada sebarang penambahbaikan yang ketara dilakukan oleh pihak Prasarana, saya akan mengambil langkah yang lebih drastik lagi (Kempen di Mukabuku tu boleh kira drastik tak..? Kikiki..). Biarlah saya seorang yang berjuang, biarlah langkah yang saya ambil ni kecil. Asalkan saya berbuat sesuatu dan tidak hanya berdiam sahaja..!
Jangan warm-warm chicken shit sudahlah..! Wahahaha.. ^__^"
Selamat berhujung minggu semua! Semoga hujung minggu anda berfaedah kepada diri anda dan juga orang di sekitar anda..!
16 Caci Maki Puji Muji:
saya suka dgn surat inche gabbana. saya juga sgt setuju berkenaan dgn buka fanpage di facebook. facebook pengaruhnya lagi besar dan kuat :)
bagus hencik adam ! eh. gabbana !
- cantik header? semakin galak hencik gabbana berblogging . bagus. teruskan
menyampaikan pendapat anda dengan unsur2 dkwah.
eh, bila cucu hj hasan ckp cenggitu, baru sy pasan!hahahaaha
wah, sempoi jerk ea buat surat..kte penah bape kali nek train tuh..memg annoy giler r..nk2 klo ari jumaat!
tapikn, surat yg dia rply tuh, cm surat yg da siap2 karang punya!kiranya, dorg siap tulis as draft jerk...
punyalah kemain pnjg gabbana tulis, dia rply 2perenggan jerk! -.-"
t klo gabbana buat dislike page, kte nk join la!memg teruk pown perkhidmatan dorg!!!!
N: =) nnt kalau saya bukak anda kena 'like' dan join tahu..? hihihi..
cucu hj. hassan: adam mana pulak ni...? anda salah oranglah...! ^^"
haha.. kena rajinlah. daripada duk opis tu tak bwat ape.. hohoho.. terima kasih. doakan agar niat sy btol ble menulis ni dan terus diberikan kekuatan ntok menulis.. ;)
eiffel: uish. klau ari jumaat jgnla nek komuter. kompem menyesal..! hohoho..
tula. sy pon rasa cmtu. sapa2 yg tulis kt diorang, diorang akan reply cara yg sama.... hohoho.. -___-"
okeh! nnt sy dah buat saya akan hebohkan ke seluruh dunia..! Wahahaha.. xp
sudah tahu siapa anda. har har har
Balasan surat yang ayat nye agak cliche sedikit..ok banyak sebenarnye =.=''
hopefully betul la usaha memandang serius issue itu..
jangan jadi mcm pahat dengan penukul sudah la..everytime orang buat aduan baru nk buat pembaharuan..
lepas da lama sikit.balik ke keadaan asal =.=''
anyway,kenape kebelakangan ini ramai sngat yang hendak membocorkan identiti inche gabbana...muahahaha
pergh.. guna nama gabbana? haha
arissa myana: hahaha.. sabor je la, nk bwat camne.
erk, sama2. takde apa la. ramai je yg kat luar sana yg saya yakin dah komplen dah sume. tp pi mai pi main tangtu la jugak...
haha, iAllah, kalau sy btol2 tubuhkan, saya akan war2kan..! hehe..
cucu hj hassan: Woah! anda baru tau..??? sy igt anda dah tahu lima bulan yg lalu..! wahahaha..
tahniah cucu hj hassan.....! xD
p/s: apa yg anda dapat sebenarnya kalau anda tahu sy ni sapa pon...? ^__^"
enonimus: iAllah. anda penah dgr pasal kisah si kecil yg menyelamatkan tapak sulaiman di pesisiran pantai..? atau kish si burung pipit cuba memadamkan api yg membakar Nabi Ibrahim..?
sy harap itulah yg cuba sy buat.. ;)
hahaha.. btol2. ntah pape la cucu hj. hassan ni.. ;p
aiman: wajib. ;)
eh marah ke cucu hj. hassan..? B)
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