Pergi Nerakalah Kamu Samseng Netanyahu!
Huh. Memang tengah marah. Geram sangat. Dah lama tak tulis post label 'peduli Palestin.' Tiba-tiba pagi ni buka Star online, terjumpa pulak satu berita ni. Memang terus rasa panas. Terasa macam nak masukkan tangan dalam monitor PC ni then tampar-tampar si Yahudi Netanyahu tu. Persetan. Saya rasa kemarahan saya dan perasaan terasa-macam-nak-bagi-pelempang-seratus-kali ini sangat-sangatlah valid dan justified.
Apa? Anda ingat saya over? Baca dulu artikel ni baru anda tahu... Saya pasti anda juga nanti akan merengus kegeraman sambil menghentak-hentak meja di depan anda. Jangan hentak kepala adik atau rakan sepejabat anda ke dinding sudahlah. Saya tak bertanggungjawab.
Netanyahu "salutes" commandos who raided Gaza ship
By Dan Williams
ATLIT NAVAL BASE, Israel (Reuters) - Saying "I salute you," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the headquarters on Tuesday of Israeli naval commandos who killed nine pro-Palestinian Turks aboard a Gaza-bound aid ship in May.
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It followed testimony on Sunday from Israel's military chief, who told a state-appointed inquest into the operation that the commandos had come under pistol, knife and cudgel attacks while boarding and fired 308 live bullets in response.
Activists from the Mavi Marmara have confirmed they resisted the Israeli boarding party but denied provoking lethal violence.
Netanyahu said the May 31 raid on the Turkish-flagged vessel, one of six ships trying to run Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, had been "crucial, essential, important and legal".
"Gaza has turned into an Iranian terror base," he said, referring to the Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas Islamists, in a speech to around 200 members of the unit.
He heaped praise on the commandos, saying they had acted "courageously, morally and with restraint".
The night-time interception on Mediterranean high seas and the ensuing bloodshed strained Israel's once-close ties with Turkey, which has demanded an apology and compensation.
A United Nations probe last month condemned the attack as unlawful and said it resulted in violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. U.N. jurists also said the Gaza blockade had caused a humanitarian crisis and was unlawful.
Flotilla 13 commandos had been equipped with riot-dispersal gear but quickly switched to live fire during deck brawls with dozens of activists. The ship had ignored Israeli calls to stop.
Two commandos were shot and wounded and another five suffered other injuries, the navy said. In addition to the nine Turkish dead, 24 activists were hurt, many of them by gunfire.
"You acted against those who came to kill you and tried to kill you," said Netanyahu. "There is no one better than you. I salute you."
He then met some of the commandos who took part in the raid, shaking their hands on a prow-shaped veranda overlooking the craggy bay at their Atlit base. They were shadowed by bodyguards and, out to sea, a squad of commandos in a speed boat.
Bristling at Turkish and other foreign fury over the Mavi Marmara raid yet wary of international war crimes suits, Israel set up its own inquiry to help prepare its submission for a separate probe under U.N. Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon.
Interim findings from that inquest, under retired Supreme Court justice Jacob Turkel, are due out in mid-November and the final report by early 2011, a spokesman said. Another internal investigation by an Israeli ex-general is already complete.
Turkey withdrew its ambassador from Israel and cancelled joint military exercises in protest at the Mavi Marmara raid and has dismissed the Israeli inquiries as insufficient.
(Writing by Jeffrey Heller and Dan Williams, Editing by Paul Taylor)
Ha, tak ke terasa macam nak bagi pelempang percuma kat Benjamin Netanyahu tu?
Doa je la banyak-banyak kat Allah untuk saudara-saudara kita di Palestin sana. Kita ni lemah, bapok, tak boleh nak buat apa-apa kan..? Et lis kita minta tolong pada Allah, yang memiliki segala sesuatu. Mereka membuat tipu-daya, dan Allah juga ada tipu-dayaNya yang tersendiri. Sedangkan Allahlah sebaik-baik pembuat tipu-daya..
Allahu musta'an!
8 Caci Maki Puji Muji:
sesiapa tahu apa nasib yang menimpa ariel sharon?
selepas dua tahun lepas yang keluar berita dia kena strok. sampai sekarang tak dengar khabar dari beliau?
matikah masih hidup?
chck out bharian gak..psl "Kumbahan najis Yahudi musnahkan kebun zaitun Palestin"..psiko dibuatnyer.naseb la sy bkn hulk
semoga mereka semua pendapat hidayah.. amin..
(tapi siyesly rasa x baik lempang dorang.. baik terajang lagi puas ;P )
pedulikan ariel sharon to inche hamdan. tu lagi setan besar tu. antara arkitek laknatullah yang bertanggungjawab terhadap pembunuhan beramai-ramai Shabra dan Shatilla.
Moga allah melaknatinya.
inche/puan anonymous: betul ke...???
la ilaha illallah...
hanya mampu menangis dari sini. lagi rasa nak menangis sebab kita ni lemah sgt, tak boleh nak tolong pape pon sedara kita kat sana...
aiman, bagus la nak doakan diorang tu.
tapi dalam al-quran pon allah cakap, diaorang ni, Yahudi ngan Nasrani, tak akan berpuas hati sampailah kita mengikuti agama diorang. diorang akan 'cari' kita sampai ke lubang cacing sekali pun!
Diorang ni berusaha sedaya upaya untuk memadamkan Islam dari muka bumi ni! (sila rujuk surah as-saff)
Wallahu a'lam.
syahid jer org kat palestin tu... kta kat sini x leh wat paper.. just doa yg boleh kita buat.. tapi knp pengerusi OIC lasngsung x kua press kecam yahudi??
uish btol btol. rindu sgt pada syahid. beruntung la org2 ke pelestin tu.
pengerusi OIC..? OIC tu apa..? boleh harap ke..? Oh I see je.. Hampagas.
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