24 October 2008

Wisdom of The Week

In the name of Lord of A'lamin, the Most Beneficient and the Most Merciful.

Our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

"Whoever forces himself to be patient, Allah gives him patience."
Allahu a'lam...


p/s: I wish I could update my blog more properly. But I really am busy, REALLY busy lately. Besides, my house hasn't be equipped with the internet... There are really lotsa stuff I wana share with you lots. I haven't even written anything on my arrival in London!! *sigh* Pray for my well-being and strength, Insha-Allah... =)

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"Sesungguhnya Allah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, baik diri mahupun harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga kepada mereka. Mereka berperang di jalan Allah; sehingga mereka membunuh atau terbunuh...

Maka bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu, dan demikian itulah kemenangan yang Agung."

-At Taubah, 9:111

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