5 March 2008

Daging Masak Hitam

3 posts in a day....? I must be really bored huh...??

Just can't stand dolce's scrumptious roti canai, to be honest... ;p So just wanna share with whoever have so much of free time reading this entry (ahah!) and nothing else to do, the turun temurun recipe (my allahyarhamah granmama to my mama and to me...! ^ ^) that i personally rate as one of my signature dishes! (cant help to blow my own trumpet here!)

Daging (dihiris)
Kicap manis (Cap Kipas Udang...?)
2/3 Ulas Bawang besar
20 biji Cili Kering
Asam Jawa
Gula n Garam secukup rasa

1) Rebus daging. Kalau rebus daging guna, say 4 cups of water, rebus sampai tinggal satu cawan je. DO NOT throw away the air rebusan!
2) Goreng daging yang dah direbus sampai garing.
3) Blend bawang and cili kering. 20 are a lot actually, for those yang tak tahan pedas! So agak-agak la...
4) Tumis bawang dan cili yang telah dikisar sehingga naik bau (wangi).
5) Masukkan air lebihan rebusan tadi. Masukkan kicap manis secawan.
6) Masukkan daging yang telah digoreng tadi.
7) Tunggu seketika, sebelum masukkan air perahan asam jawa.
8) And the rest, as any other recipes, pandai-pandailah repair secukup rasa. Tambah gula sikit ke, garam ke, more asam jawa ke...
9) Masaklah sehingga pekat.

Tips: Honestly, there is no specific or special way of doing this, or any other dishes for that matter, but to use your own wit and experience. In other words, agak-agak je la... Ahah!

Ready to eat! Sedap dimakan dengan pulut kuning, nasi mahupun roti! *drool*

I have to warn you though... It takes a hell lot of energy and time to prepare this! But trust me, it is worth cooking! Simply DELICIOUS!

Disclaimer: I won't be responsible for any casualties or fatalities as a result of failing to cook this dish properly. Please consult me should any difficulties arise. hihi~

p/s: I'll put up the picture the next time i cook it. Which is, er, a very long time from now..............? ;p


2 Caci Maki Puji Muji:

salads 15/03/2013, 18:26  

great! must try it!

Anonymous 18/02/2014, 00:40  

mmg sedap...kt perak femes ni!peveret..yummy!!

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-At Taubah, 9:111

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